R/C Snowcat Vehicle Kit

from $300.00
Out of Stock

FIRST BATCH PREORDER - Check the Kickstarter updates for an estimated shipping date.

The Snowcat Kit enables people with access to a 3D printer and R/C radio to build their own fully functional tracked vehicle!

Motor KV:
Color Option:

Color options:

Each kit includes 4 extra track links. If you order a black track, the extra links will be orange. If you order an orange track, the extra links will be black. This is so you can see the track rotation like this: https://youtu.be/ahvTSQEPmGc?t=1012

Motor KV options:

The 600KV option is for those wanting to drive fast. Keep in mind the 600KV motors get pretty hot on a 6S. Its highly recommended to use a cooling fan with external airflow if you plan to drive at full throttle.

The 300KV option is for those wanting more torque and less speed. Best for plowing or towing.

Included Items:

Coming soon

Vehicle Specifications:

17.5 Lbs (no battery)
